вторник, 10 декабря 2013 г.

Do's and Don'ts before Exam

Sekadar perkongsian untuk semua pelajar yang bakal menempuhi peperiksaan musim sejuk pada bulan hadapan..


  • Create a study schedule — and stick to it. 
  • Complete most or all your outlines before Reading Period. 
  • Get enough food, sleep, and exercise while you are studying. 
  •  Research your professor’s style of exams. Find out what types of exams and questions he or she is likely to ask. Remember all of the suggestions a professor makes about answering his or her exam questions. 
  • Check your outline for completeness and accuracy by comparing it to the professor’s syllabus, hornbooks, or other people’s outlines. 
  • Try alternative study techniques, including making flashcards or creating flowcharts. 
  • Make a spark sheet or checklist and use it to help memorize key terms and definitions.
  • Study each subject in small increments over a period of many days. 
  • Prepare for the exam by gathering supplies (water, watch, earplugs, pens, etc.) or making sure that your computer is working properly. 
  • Study in a quiet environment. Choose a slow and light music if you decide to listen to any.
  • Improve your relationship with Allah. Don't forget to pray in time and make Du'a. Remember that without Him, you wouldn't be where you are. 
  • Finally, after all the hard work, the last thing to do is Tawakal. Allah knows what is best for all of us.

  • Wait until the Reading Period to write your outlines. 
  •  Rely primarily on someone else’s outline, commerical outlines, or study aids. 
  • Cram your studying into the few days before the exam. 
  • Pull an all-nighter before an exam. 
  • Study for long periods of time without taking breaks. Studies show that the average person can only concentrate for 50 minutes. After that, your ability to learn and attention span decline. 
  • Give up without even trying.
  • Delay prayers because of studying

More tips on how to study on this links :